About RTB
I opened Rosie Toy Boxes in November 2018 after quitting my career in banking. I needed something to fill my time whilst I look for other work. My Mum has always owned children’s day nurseries and it was coming up to her 15th year anniversary of opening, so I thought I’d make her a special personalised gift, that the nursery could use. A toy box it was!
By the December friends started to ask me to make a Toy Box for them and their children. As the weeks went on I began getting more and more interest. Family told me to set up an Instagram page and really give it a go as a business but I couldn’t see it ever being a success. Eventually I took the plunge and remember saying “I’ll call it Rosie Toy Boxes, it won’t last long anyway” oh how wrong I was.
In 2019 I turned my mums back room into a mini workshop. I had a white board that I would write all my orders down on, now our orders wouldn’t fit on 10 of those! When lockdown came RTB had less than 10,000 followers and although 2020 was a very scary year being closed for 6 months gave me the chance to really kick start the business.
By 2021 RTB had its own workshop, 1 employee and a waiting list. It still feels SO surreal now. Customer service has always been number 1 to me, whether it be sourcing a customers special fabric or driving through the night to deliver a toy box to make sure a child has it for their birthday, some have called me crazy for it but RTB has done it.
You can follow the journey as we grown on our Instagram stories daily. There you’ll really get to know myself, my “side kick” Bonnie and the rest of the team. The number one rule whilst we work is to have fun and we share it with all our followers.
It’s important to Me that we always give back so we raise money for different charities every season and as a thank you to all our amazing customers and followers we run competitions every season too. I often advise other start up small business owners (even toy box makers and those who some would say are competition) as I wish others had helped me more in the beginning.
Rosie Toy Boxes is a small business, creating bespoke, beautiful, hand made Toy Boxes to sit pretty in your home. At RTB, it’s not just about the product you buy but the service you’ll receive too. “It’s not just a Toy Box, it’s a Rosie Toy Box” as one of our customers once said.
Lastly, as it happens the first toy box I ever made for my mum was so awful it never made it into her nursery but it now sits proudly in our workshop as a daily reminder to me and my team that anything is achievable. You can see a photo of it above!
Thank you for visiting RTB, I am so grateful. Welcome to a difference.
Rosie xx
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